Name: Jade
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Irish
Jade is a full time school student who lives in North London with her mum and two brothers. Jade has a Saturday job at her local hair dressers where she makes cups of tea and washes the customers hair. When she is not working, Jade likes to hang out with friends, read magazines such as 'bliss' and 'heat', listen to music, donate clothes/books to her local charity shop and go to the cinema. Jade also likes to know what's going on in the world; she reads 'The Sun' newspaper and watches Day Break before she goes to school. Jade and her mum often go shopping together to get the groceries. They mostly shop in Marks and Spencer or their local Sainsbury's. Jade likes to keep up to date with the latest fashion styles but is happy to wear whatever she wants. She often shops in New look and Miss Selfridge and occasionally has a look around charity shops, but her favourite place to shop in is H&M. Jade takes public transport most days unless her mum has a late start at work, in which case her mum gives her a lift to school in the car. Jade never leaves the house with out her I-Phone and headphones so she can listen to music on her journeys and her favourite drink in her bag; Fanta fruit twist. Jade would love to one day go on holiday to Sydney; Australia. Jade likes our artist as she feels she can relate to her life experiences. Also, Jade likes the fact that our artist is down to earth and cares about her fans, our artists style; she likes the fact our artist wears things that she can also get if she wanted.
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