So far we have 2 scenes done with a variety of base tracks done! On the first day of filming, things started of quiet slow as we had a few problems with some skaters getting really close to equipment, however we pulled everything together and managed to get 2 base tracks from the skater scene done! Sadly when we arrived back at college we noticed that some of out footage was blurry so we now have to re film these base-tracks! There were a couple complications witch prevented us from filming on Tuesday and Wednesday which we were devastated about But finally today we managed to get a whole scene done of The artist ( me ) By the white wall! i believe this scene went really well as we filmed from many angles, high and low. and we also got a lot of camera movements involved !
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Confidence Boost!
Today was the second day we got around to filming ! i would say that I've become a lot more confident in being able to perform now. On the first day i was extremely shy and didn't like the fact that people would come and watch what was going on but as the day went by i became more comfortable. Now ive learnt to ignore people who are watching and just focus on the camera and believe i did i great job after and is now confident enough to give my all into performing for our video!
Reflection on filming so far.
Reflection on filming so far...
So far we have filmed in 2 out of our 4 locations; South Bank Skate Park and Ampthill Square Estate. Overall I feel that the filming is going very well! On the first day at South Bank Skate Park we did have some difficulty with some skaters coming to close to the equipment but we spoke to them and they agreed to move away. Also, as it was our first day of filming it took us a while to get the hang of things, but everything worked out okay and we had lots of fun. I think I have developed my filming skills a lot since AS; I am more confident with the camera and I'm taking more turns to film. Our second shoot was at Ampthill Square Estate. Filming went really well and we got some great shots! I am really enjoying filming the music video and I'm looking forward to visiting the other locations.
Weather Check!
Weather Check!
Today we will be filming the Ampthill Square Estate scene. We have checked the weather and as you can see there is a chance of rain, so we will make sure we take an umbrella with us.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Change of production schedle
Since we weren't able to film today, our production schedule has changed ONCE AGAIN
TOMORROW: Filming (Emily's area)
MONDAY: Filming (London Bridge)
TUESDAY: Filming (Blackfriars)
WEDNESDAY: Filming (Skatepark Scene)
TOMORROW: Filming (Emily's area)
MONDAY: Filming (London Bridge)
TUESDAY: Filming (Blackfriars)
WEDNESDAY: Filming (Skatepark Scene)
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
As there are no figrig's left to film with oe half term we've had to change our schedule once again Today - blackfrairs, tomorrow - Emily's area, Tuesday 5th - under London bridge, (at 1 am) Wednesday 6th - skate park (in morning lesson)
Changes to filming schedule.
Originally we had planed to film the Ampthill Square Estate scene on Thursday. However after a group discussion we have decided not to film on Thursday because we are worried the batteries for the lights will run out as we're filming Tuesday night and Wednesday. So we have decided to move the Ampthill Square Estate scene to next Tuesday. This will then leave us in a good position to start editing on Wednesday in our lesson.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Reflection on my blogging
Here is my last blog reflection on my blogging from about a month ago. I think that since then I have achieved the goal I set myself of blogging things that inspire me aside from the checklist. I've blogged my thoughts along the way of things we might add or cut down. I have also been blogging frequently for the past month, posting almost everyday. I have explored different ways of presenting my blogs (Photobucket, Slideshare, Camtasia).
I would give myself a 17 out of 20 for my blogs at this point as I feel I have improved and reached the targets I set for myself.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Since we're going to have to re-film some of our shots from the skatepark we've had to re-update our production schedule once again!
Friday, 25 October 2013
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Second draft animatic
Although we probably won't stick to this completely, here is our animatic after trimming down our ideas:
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Weather Report.
Checking the Weather!
We are going to film today at South Bank Skate Park, so have checked the weather report. As you can see it is forecast to rain today so we will make sure we bring an umbrella with us so we can protect the equipment from the rain.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
We're in the process of making our second animatic after trimming down our ideas and making a few changes. Although the animatic isn't finished yet we don't want to waste any valuable filming time.
SO... We're going to stick with our production schedule and still film the scene at South Bank skatepark tomorrow morning. The animatic not being finished wont effect our filming as we have these base tracks already planned out
Here they are:
Monday, 21 October 2013
PLANNING - test shots
We thought it would be a good idea to take a few test shots before we go out to film. We had some concerns about our jogging scenes because we thought the camera work may be a bit dodgy so during our lesson, Orrie and Edvardas went out by college to take some shots. They experimented with running shots with the camera going along side orrie and also panning shots with close ups and long shots involved.
Here is our footage;
Production schedule update
As we've changed our idea slightly and trimmed it down (taking Louisa's advice) we've had to make some changes to our production schedule, so here it is:
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Friday, 18 October 2013
Analysing Costume, Setting and Location in Music Videos
Analysing Costume, Setting and Location in Music Videos
I chose to analyse Gangnam Style by PSY
12 different costumes have been used in the video.
Favourite Previous Students' Video
Jem, Zakariya, Courtney, Fuzail from 283goswell on Vimeo.
I have looked at a few music videos produced by previous students, and I really liked this one. They have kept it simple, but it looked really good. A nice variety of base tracks in different locations, with different costumes. The guitar playing looked pretty realistic, and the cuts were on the beat.
The singer did look directly at the camera trying to involve the viewer and grab their attention. The video is a Disjuncture type video because there wasn't a connection between the lyrics and the video.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Updated Song Lyrics.
After presenting out pitch, we had decided to focus our ideas and this is our first ideas, but we will probably add some more to it. We will have our final ideas by Monday.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Monday, 14 October 2013
Mobile Blogging!
I downloaded the Blogger app on my I-Phone. This enables me to blog on the go when I'm out and about, instead of just on a computer.
Laura Mulvey's Theory
Laura Mulvey's Theory
Laura Mulvey believes that females are presented as objects in music videos, and men are more dominant. Women in music videos are viewed at from a man's point of view showing, they are dressed men-appealingly and close ups of body parts are shown. Laura Mulvey believes that this has now become a normal thing. She says that women are dismembered in all forms of media.
Beyonce's Run The World (Girls) is a great example of this.
Even though the whole idea of the song is that women are dominant, if you watch the video carefully and analyse it you will notice that the male gaze is still present. The first thing that you notice is the clothes the women are wearing, they reveal body parts, and the camera angles and shots are shown from a man's view of point. Close ups of body parts are shown a lot and 3:44 into the video the camera is over men's heads also showing men's point of view.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Audience 1.
Audience 1
Our core audience is young working class girls aged between 12-19. The girls would live where our artist is from; South London, but we also have some of our core audience living in North London. Our wider audience will be working class young men and women aged between 20-35. Our wider audience will live where our artist is from but the majority will live in other places in London. Our video will appeal to our male audience through how our artist is dressed; stylish clothes, heels, makeup etc. This will appeal to the men as they will enjoy looking and watching out artist. Our video will appeal to our core audience through our artists costumes; our audience will be able to relate to what our artist is wearing and also be able to get the same thing from their local shops if they wanted to. The video will also appeal to our audience through the artist herself. Our artist is down to earth and genuine, and our audience will be able to connect with her and enjoy her music more. Another way our video will appeal to our audience is through the lyrics of our song. Our song is about love; the artist is singing about a previous love of hers and how he left her to be with her friend. Our audience may be able to relate to this; they could be going through a similar thing or know someone who is resulting in them connecting with the song more.
Vernalis's Theory
Vernalis's Theory on Editing and Camera Work In a Music Video
- The frequency of edits in a music video is much higher than in a film
- Edits are rhythmic to the song
- Rules of continuity are broken to grab attention to what's on the screen
- Edits are obvious and easy to spot, this also draws attention
- Jump cuts are frequent
- Base tracks give music videos structure
- Camera movement is related to the song
DJ Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now is a great example of how frequent the edits are appearing, and how they are synced with the beat.
Jump cuts are extremely frequent and mostly of them are on the beat.
Obvious edits are also often seen in this music video.
Friday, 11 October 2013
Pitch: Theory
How will our video follow Andrew Goodwin's theory?
- Our artist will look directly at the camera and break the fourth wall
- The singer will be the narrator but also a character at points (when running through the park and walking past traffic)
- We will use a lot of repetition (one prominent scene shown during the chorus)
- Our video will follow the conventions of am amplification video
- Easily recognisable features (red motif)
- We have a main target audience but will also try to appeal to a wider audience through the general theme of love/styling/use of locations etc
- There will be a form of closure at the ending - the artist will either walk away from the camera or the video will fade out with the music
Pitch: Animatic first draft
A first draft of the animatic - We will probably change things quite a lot by the time we get to filming.
Pitch - Audience Research
We have interviewed members of the of the target audience to find out a bit more about what they expect to find in R&B Pop music videos, we also visited HMV the popular music store and interviewed a member of staff about what they expect to see in a music video of our genre. (although we weren't able to film this part) Here are our findings...
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Pitch: Synergy
The key visual element we will use is the theme of red contrasted with black and white. This symbolises the passion behind the lyrics of the opressed love.
In the video the artist will often be shown with a red rose which represents the love, she will tear petals off at points to correspond with the lyrics at the time. There will be a shot of the London traffic whist she walks past, everything will be black and white while only the artists signature red lips and nails as well as London buses will be in colour (red)
The digi-pack and advertisement will most probably retain this effect of black and white with just the red being shown. We will also include a red rose in these elements.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Location Investigation!
Yesterday we went to explore our chosen locations... We actually ended up with one changed. It was definetly a good idea to explore them before filming because we could discover different little places to film different base tracks.
Pitch - Initial idea
For our initial idea, we wanted to make an ( the a word) music video where our artist is in few different locations but very normal locations where she will be singing to the camera.
We have been influenced by many videos for our video. For example, in the base track of our artist walking on a bridge and the streets of london, we would like to use an effect where only the red in our shots will be in colour so the lips, the red nails and the London buses. In Nellys video - Get like me , this sort of effect has be used the exact way we want it to be in our video. there are certain aspect which are in colour such as the red in the car, the pink bubble gum etc.
Also in Rihanna's video umbrella , she has this sort of effect in the scene with her and the umbrella but hers is orange.while the rest's in black and white.
We also decided to have the camera pan our artists face when she is walking along a pier ( bridge ) in black and white and we noticed that Adele does a similar thing to what we imagined in her video, someone like you.
We have been influenced by many videos for our video. For example, in the base track of our artist walking on a bridge and the streets of london, we would like to use an effect where only the red in our shots will be in colour so the lips, the red nails and the London buses. In Nellys video - Get like me , this sort of effect has be used the exact way we want it to be in our video. there are certain aspect which are in colour such as the red in the car, the pink bubble gum etc.
Also in Rihanna's video umbrella , she has this sort of effect in the scene with her and the umbrella but hers is orange.while the rest's in black and white.
We also decided to have the camera pan our artists face when she is walking along a pier ( bridge ) in black and white and we noticed that Adele does a similar thing to what we imagined in her video, someone like you.
Our group also wanted to incorporate a running scene into our video just as an extra base track with our artist not looking at the camera as we have quite a few where she's directly singing into the camera. We think this will add to the everyday feel of a normal young person.
Pitch - Costume
We have 3 costume changes in our song, For our skater park scene we want our artist to be dressed in all black so that the clothing doesn't clash with the bright colours on the graffiti wall.
For the scene where our artist is jogging , we would like her to be dressed simply in black leggings , black tshirt and plain trainers.
we believe this is an urban stylish look which goes with our genre. However the girls in this genre tend to be quite revealing and wear as little clothing as possible but we do not want to initiate the male gaze into our video so we tried to dress our artist up in a less revealing way but in a way in which the audience can relate to her and be inspired by her style. We went and asked a few people of our target audience what they would expect people to be wearing and they all said that they expected the girls to basically be half naked
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She will be dressed in black leather trousers, a black crop top, a black leather jacket and black high heels. |
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For the scene where our artist is jogging , we would like her to be dressed simply in black leggings , black tshirt and plain trainers.
we believe this is an urban stylish look which goes with our genre. However the girls in this genre tend to be quite revealing and wear as little clothing as possible but we do not want to initiate the male gaze into our video so we tried to dress our artist up in a less revealing way but in a way in which the audience can relate to her and be inspired by her style. We went and asked a few people of our target audience what they would expect people to be wearing and they all said that they expected the girls to basically be half naked
Pitch - Industry
From our research, we think that Rita Ora & Jessie J are the artists most like ours. Jessie j is signed to 4 labels ; Gut records, Island records , Lava records and universal republic records. Rita ora is signed to Roc Nation which is a record label founded by Jay Z. Roc Nation is operated by Sony Music entertainment, however this record company is quite mainstream likewise Rita Ora and jessie j so we don't think that record label would be suitable for our artist as we are just starting out so we are think more like a independent label would be better.
Investigating further into independent record labels, we have chosen XL recordings!XL Recordings is a UK based independent record label owned by Richard Russell. It is not to big which is perfect for our artist as she is new. A few known artists who are signed to them are Adele , Tyler the creator, M.I.A and dizzie rascal and they are all a mix of urban music as well as pop soul and RnB.
The song ' love you so ' would only be available for internet download due to the fact that our artist isn't well known at the moment so we believe that if we start of with downloads online then more people of our targeted audience will find out about her through social media such as Facebook and twitter so until she's more mainstream, she will only have her download on the internet.
Investigating further into independent record labels, we have chosen XL recordings!XL Recordings is a UK based independent record label owned by Richard Russell. It is not to big which is perfect for our artist as she is new. A few known artists who are signed to them are Adele , Tyler the creator, M.I.A and dizzie rascal and they are all a mix of urban music as well as pop soul and RnB.
The song ' love you so ' would only be available for internet download due to the fact that our artist isn't well known at the moment so we believe that if we start of with downloads online then more people of our targeted audience will find out about her through social media such as Facebook and twitter so until she's more mainstream, she will only have her download on the internet.
Pitch - Concept
Pitch - Concept
In our music video, Orrie will be the artist, and she will be singing in a variety of locations and base tracks.
Pitch: Risk Assessment.
Risk Assessment
There could be a lot of potential risks while we are filming our music video, so it is important that we risk assess all aspects of our filming and make sure we know how to minimise the dangers.
Possible Risks:
- Having the equipment stolen.
- Dropping the equipment.
- Spilling food or drinks on the equipment.
- Equipment getting damaged due to weather.
- The equipment getting wet when we are filming along South Bank.
How we can minimise the dangers:
- Always make sure there is more than one person with the equipment at all times.
- Always pack away the equipment properly and don't let one person carry everything.
- Don't have drinks or food near any of the equipment.
- Make sure we always have an umbrella with us encase it starts to rain.
- Make sure the equipment is not too near the river when we are filming along South Bank.
Pitch: Setting and Location.
Setting and Location
For our music video, we will be filming in various locations such as:
- Ampthill Square estate.
- South Bank.
- South Bank skate park.
- Harrington Square park.
Here are the locations of where we will be filming in Ampthill Square estate:
(These locations will be used in the first verse and clips throughout the video.)
(These locations will be used in the first verse and clips throughout the video.)

Here are the locations of where we will be filming in South Bank and South Bank skate park:
(The skate park locations will be used for the chorus. The south bank locations will be used for the second and third verse and clips throughout the video.)
(The skate park locations will be used for the chorus. The south bank locations will be used for the second and third verse and clips throughout the video.)
(These locations will be used at the beginning of the video before the artist has started singing)

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