Debut album 'Body Music' cover
The mis-en-scene of the album cover was the first thing I looked at. I noticed that a simple white font is used for the album and artist name on top of a black background. The artist is in dance position, holding her hands up as if she is in a box. The mirror effect of the background makes it look as if she could be in a dance studio. The bacground also includes repetitive mirror images of a male. Her clothing also works with the dance theme.
The link and some screenshots from the Album Release Video
The album release video included a picture of the album cover to create a link between the two for the audience. The black and white background and font theme is reinforced in the album release video by the black background and white font in the same style.
The video includes extracts of the music videos of singles from the album. This furthers the connection, and also reminds the audience to watch the full music videos. In the extract from 'You Know You Like It', a shot of the man from the album cover is shown, as well as people dancing, a theme I noticed from the album cover.
The music video for Vevo (internet release)
The artist is also shown here wearing quite sporty dance clothes, whilst dancing throughout the video.
The mirror image effect of the male from the CD cover once again.
Official music video
This shot utilises the black and white theme from the album cover. The artist is once again shown to be dancing. The mirror image effect is also present as the background dancers are mirrored from one side to the other.
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